
Up to 479 retina display friendly icons can easily be added in any color using the icon shortcode within the premium Swell Theme. For a full list of available icons, refer to the Font Awesome icon list.

[icon style=”heart” color=”ff0099″]

[icon style=”camera”]

[icon style=”cloud” color=”0099ff”]

[icon style=”comment”]

[icon style=”refresh” color=”99cc33″]

[icon style=”plug”]

[icon style=”globe”]

[icon style=”github”]

[icon style=”wifi”]


[icon style=”credit-card”]

[icon style=”copy”]

[icon style=”legal”]

[icon style=”twitter” color=”0099ff”]

[icon style=”truck”]

[icon style=”umbrella”]

[icon style=”pinterest” color=”FF0000″]

[icon style=”phone”]

[icon style=”rss” color=”ff6600″]


[icon style=”briefcase” color=”663300″]

[icon style=”sort”]

[icon style=”link”]

[icon style=”bus” color=”669900″]

[icon style=”star” color=”cc9900″]

[icon style=”book”]

[icon style=”plus”]

[icon style=”minus”]

[icon style=”fire” color=”ff0000″]


[icon style=”signal”]

[icon style=”trash”]

[icon style=”power-off”]

[icon style=”money” color=”669933″]

[icon style=”css3″]

[icon style=”plane”]

[icon style=”home” color=”66cccc”]

[icon style=”cog”]

[icon style=”shopping-cart”]


[icon style=”reorder”]

[icon style=”leaf” color=”009933″]

[icon style=”lock”]

[icon style=”map-marker” color=”ff0000″]

[icon style=”arrows”]

[icon style=”cut”]

[icon style=”envelope” color=”cc9900″]

[icon style=”share”]

[icon style=”toggle-on”]


[icon style=”user” color=”000000″]

[icon style=”retweet”]

[icon style=”remove” color=”ff0000″]

[icon style=”list”]

[icon style=”arrow-right”]

[icon style=”chevron-right”]

[icon style=”eyedropper”]

[icon style=”facebook” color=”006699″]

[icon style=”linkedin”]



[icon style="heart" color="ff0099"]
[icon style="camera"]
[icon style="facebook-square" color="006699"]
[icon style="map-marker" color="ff0000"]