Become a Cleanup Kid!!

We are so excited to announce that we are finally ready to have YOU join us as a official Cleanup Kids Crew Member! We know, as kids that we are set to inherit the earth, and the mess that has been made of it. We believe that even though we are young, we are still powerful voices that are capable of making big changes!

So check out what being a CLEANUP KIDS CREW MEMBER is all about and fill out the form at the bottom of the page!


Do you love nature?

Does the idea of having more trash then fish in the ocean scare you?

Do you get mad when you see that people have thrown their trash on the ground?

Are you ready to, or already eliminating single use plastics from your life?

Do you want to help change laws and influence big governmental decisions?

Do you have a passion for making a change and speaking up for what is important?

Do you want to be part of a group of kids who care about the same things as you?

Do you want to earn prizes for your efforts of protecting the planet?

Do you want to spread the word and get more kids involved?

If you said yes to these, then you are ready to be part of a tidal wave of change!

What are my responsibilities as a Cleanup Kid Crew Member?

Each Cleanup Kid Crew Member is committed to helping cleanup our planet, and that means getting your hands dirty! So here are what being a CREW MEMBER is all about…..

  1. We ask that each Cleanup Crew Member does at least 1 cleanup a month. (Extra points for doing more though!!) This cleanup can be just you, with your family, with some friends, a big group you have organized, whatever you feel like. Just get out there and cleanup!

2. We ask that after your cleanup you do a teeny bit of documenting about what items you found. This helps us when we approach companies, cities or governments about their practices and how earth friendly they are. No one likes paperwork, so we have made it really easy with an online form.

3. Take a few photos of your cleanup, and of the trash you have collected at the end of it! You can upload the photos on our handy dandy form!

4. Count the pieces of trash you picked up. Every single piece counts! We are aiming to pick up 1 million pieces of trash by the end of the year!

5. Sort the recyclable items and make sure they make it to the proper recycling bin, and then dispose of the trash properly!

We know this sounds like a lot, but we promise it will be fun! Once you are all signed up we will send you a welcome package. In that package will be all the details about what kind of awesome stuff you can earn from doing your cleanups. We want to keep it fair, so every activity that you do has a point value attached to it. The more points you earn, the more stuff you get! And, like your cleanups, you can use our form to submit your work and earn your points!

We will be highlighting different Cleanup Crew Members on our social pages, so make sure that you tag us if you post photos of your work! Feel free to get friends involved too..the more CREW MEMBERS, the bigger impact we have for change! Plus, a little competition between friends, to see who can get the most points is always fun! We are jumping for joy that you are here, and can’t wait to get started!